Opening Doors To Family And Opportunity

Help With The K-3 Visa For A Foreign Spouse

If you are married to a foreign national who is not a U.S. resident or citizen, the K-3 visa allows them to enter the United States to live with you and establish permanent resident status. Spouse petitions are usually granted unless there is some barrier to entry.

If you anticipate any problems with your spouse visa or just want to make sure the paperwork is submitted properly, reach out to the New Jersey immigration lawyers of Gurnani & Gurnani, Attorneys at Law. In 30 years of practice, we have helped many U.S. citizens bring their foreign wives or husbands to the country and obtain their green cards.

Spouse Visa Petitions (K-3 and K-4)

A U.S. citizen can petition for a K-3 travel visa for their foreign spouse to come to the U.S. and be granted lawful permanent resident status (green card). We assist clients with filing the Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative and the accompanying documents such as proof of a valid marriage.

  • Once in the U.S., the spouse can apply for a work permit (employment authorization).
  • After three years in the U.S., a foreign spouse can apply for citizenship.
  • If your foreign spouse has minor children or unmarried children under the age of 21, they can also come to the U.S. with your spouse under the K-4 visa.
Occasionally, a K-3 visa will be denied or delayed for eligibility reasons, such as past criminal convictions, past immigration offenses, or suspicion of marriage fraud. We can help you proactively address any obstacles and prepare the spouse for the consular or embassy interview prior to being granted a K-3.

We Are Here To Help With Everything

From filling out the spouse visa petition to obtaining a work permit, we are here to help our clients with all immigration-related issues. We often assist clients at several points in their journey to become residents and citizens in America. Call our office in Edison at 732-902-0794 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.